What is NoSimp about
NoSimp is to get men to be aware how often they discriminate against other men to please women. In this age when feminists hate us, and want to take our jobs, our management positions, our money and kids, it's time to stop simping and start thinking. Our voices are censored on various platforms, we are accused of being hateful, because the truth hurt them.
Here's our goals:Spread Awareness
Remind the avarage man of how many times he simps every day. And what women think of this simping behavior.
Present Truth
Present to the masses unbiased truth about jobs and skills and quotas. About divorce and reasons and consequences. About society vision.
Discuss Topics
why? prostitution illegal, age of consent18-21? polygamy is illegal ? etc ....
Lobby for Men's interests
Let's stop putting ourselves in last position, and start putting pressure to rectify the biase this society have against us.
Helping with networking to find work or business opportunities.
Educating men on dating, life and how to not be taken advantage of.